PalliMed reception

The PalliMed/ GeriPal co-sponsored reception last night was a success. As repeatedly and succinctly put by social networking guru Christian Sinclair, the purpose of this event was to meet those with whom we’ve been communicating for the past 12 months, whether by Twitter, List-serve, blog or Facebook. Plus it’s fun! Present were PalliMed contributors and its principals Drew Rosielle and Christian Sinclair. GeriPal’s Alex Smith mingled with the crowd of more than 50 (I arrived late so may have been more earlier) with drinks and hors d’oeuvres that were gone by 9:30 pm. Others from the Social Media presentation were in attendance.

Putting real (vs virtual) faces with names is a luxury in this era of social media, where opinions are rife but the exchange usually one-sided (instead of truly listening one is busy crafting a response) so hope we can use these associations to further our personal and professional life skills.

Thanks for the break.

2 thoughts on “PalliMed reception

  1. Agreed. This event is one of the must-attend networking events of the AAHPM Assembly. Thanks to this year’s sponsors (the blogs Pallimed, GeriPal, and Palliative Care Success).

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